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Oracle | Digital Marketing


Oracle is a global provider of enterprise wider cloud computing solutions. Their technology is industry leading and they stay ahead of the curve with their products. With the ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) fast becoming a staple of business’s lives, Oracle are leading the charge by making business’s understand how they can best take advantage of IoT.



Oracle came to Gorilla EMEA for guidance on how to reach out to a larger audience online. To do this, we worked on creating two animated infographics and one animated eBook to highlight the benefits of Oracle’s IoT products. This enabled users to absorb in a fun, but sized way without over whelming them with technical jargon.



After the successful completion of our first project, Oracle then tasked us with developing three animated infographics and three animated digibooks. This was to help them condense a lot of their information into meaningful bite-sized snippets. By doing this users would be able to better understand the information and it would be displayed in a more ‘fun’ interactive way.

Although the work was fun, it was a very demanding project. The Gorilla EMEA team really came through and delivered what was asked of them and more.